I’m Back!

Been a bit slack, but only with updates. Gigs have been varied - some walk-ups, some glorified busking and some to get the teeth into. Bad news for me is that the regular Canberra Yacht Club gigs are no more, new management spearing off in a different direction.

On a positive note, the Bunker fundraiser was a great success with the target amount raised, on a sunny(!) afternoon. Apart from me (I was the opening act) there were eight other performances made up of solos, duos and bands. It was great afternoon’s entertainment, and Annette and Dennis should give themselves a hearty pat on the back for the generosity of the response. The Bunker is a great little venue to play.

The next few weeks look reasonably busy, but more $$$ will be going into the petrol bowsers than my pocket - such are the vagaries of the entertainment module, I’m just lucky to be able to scrounge a few royalties every few months. Anyhow, ‘Me no complain’ as Con’s wife used to say back when there was less to complain about.

I’ve decided to put a little more focus into making paintings, so if I can remember how to get them on page I’ll post them when they’re ready. I have a few blank canvasses to cover.

I hope life will be kind to you until next Time :-)


Casey Jones Gig 06/09/2022